The Creation Story and the Rise of Artificial Christmas Trees

The Origin of Artificial Christmas Trees

Have you ever wondered about the history of artificial Christmas trees? While they have become a popular fixture in modern-day holiday celebrations, they have a fascinating backstory. The concept of artificial trees began in Germany in the 19th century when people started using feather trees as an alternative to real trees. These early versions used goose feathers dyed green and attached to wire branches.

However, it was in the early 20th century that the artificial Christmas tree began to boom. The first versions were made of brush bristles, but later, iterations incorporated aluminum and other materials. Today, artificial trees come in all shapes, sizes, and materials – from the classic green PVC tree to more unique options like white Christmas trees with blue lights.

The Bible and the Adam and Eve Connection

But what does the creation story from the Bible have to do with artificial Christmas trees? The connection lies in the concept of the Tree of Life. In the book of Genesis, Adam and Eve were instructed not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but they were allowed to eat from any other tree in the garden – including the Tree of Life.

The tree of life symbolizes everlasting life, often represented in Christian art and literature. Some even argue that the Christmas tree is a continuation of this symbolism – a representation of the tree of life that reminds us of our eternal life through Christ.

So what about white Christmas trees with blue lights? While these might not directly connect to the Bible, they have a significant role in modern-day Christmas celebrations. Blue is often associated with the season, representing the frosty winter weather and the night sky on Christmas Eve. White trees bring a touch of elegance and sophistication to holiday décor, providing a blank canvas for people to decorate with their personal touch.


In conclusion, the history of artificial Christmas trees has evolved from early feather trees to modern-day PVC and aluminum options. But even more interestingly, there is a connection between the Bible and the Adam and Eve story through the tree of Life concept. And while the white Christmas tree with blue lights might not have any direct biblical significance, it has become a popular fixture in holiday décor – a reflection of the season’s beauty and wonder.